Tuesday, March 11, 2008

MEanInG oF tHe CoLor WhItE

WhIte pRojEctS pUriTy, CleAnLiNeSS, aNd nEutRalItY. DoCtOrs dOn wHiTe cOatS, bRiDeS tRadiTIonAlly wErE wHitE gOwNs And A wHitE pIcKeT fENce sURRouNds a sAfe aNd haPPy hOmE.

HoW tHe cOlOr whItE EffEctS uS mEnTaLLy aNd pHysIcaLLy
* AiDs mEnTaL clARiTy
* EncOurAgeS uS tO clEaR cLuTTer oR oBstAcLes
* evOKes pUriFicAtiOn oF tHoUghTs oR aCtIonS
* enAblEs fReSh bEgiNNinGS


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