PuRPle eMboDIes tHE baLaNCe oF reD siMulAtiON ANd blUe caLM. THIs diCHotoMy CaN cAuSe uNrEsT or UneAsinEss UnleSs tHe unDertOne iS clEarLy deFineD at WhicH poInt The pUrpLe taKes oN thE chAraCtEriSticS of iTs UndErtOne. A seNse Of mYstic and rOyaL qUaliTieS, puRplE is A cOlOr oFten Well liKed By vEry cReaTive oR ecCenTriC tyPeS aNd iS tHe fAvoRitE cOlOr oF aDoleScenT GirlS.
HOw tHe cOloR puRplE eFFectS uS mEntAllY aNd pHysIcaLly
* UPlifTinG
* CaLmiNg tO mInD aNd neRveS
* OffeRs a sEnsE of sPirituAlitY
* EnCourAgeS creAtiVitY
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