Tuesday, March 11, 2008

cOloR: mEaNinG, SyMbOliSm AnD PSyCholOgY

oUr rEAcTioN To ColOr iS aLMoSt iNstAntAnEouS aNd HaS a PrOfOuNd IMpACt On ThE ChOiCeS We mAkE eVeRyDay

"COloRs, LIke FEaTUrEs, fOLLow tHE ChaNGeS Of ThE EMoTIonS." --PABlo PiCaSso

"Of All GOd'S GiFts tO tHe SiGhTed Man, cOLoR iS HoLiESt, ThE MoSt DIviNe, THe most sOLemn." --JoHn Ruskin

"PAiNtinG is SomEthinG tHat TakeS pLaCe AmoNG tHe CoLorS, ANd oNe HAs tO LEaVe tHEm AloNe cOmpLeteLy, sO tHat THey cAn seTTle tHe mAtteR aMOnG TheMseLveS. ThEiR InTerCoursE: tHis is the whole of paInNting. Whoever meDDles, aRRangEs, iNjeCts his huMan deliberaTioN, hiS wit, his advoCacy, his IntellEctual agiLIty in any wAy, is AlrEadY dIsturbiNg aNd cLouding their activity." --MaRie Rilke RAIner


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