kalo korang nak tau..opah aku ni la yg paling beriyer2 sgt kat persiapan tunang aku ni..mgkin aku ni cucu 1st pempuan kot..tu yg dia teruja sgt..
korang x caya tgk snirila hasil keje opah aku ni..sumer dia yg wat..aku balik2 kg jer tgk sumer dah settle...hehehe..apa lagi..goyang kaki jerla aku...hihi
Thursday, August 28, 2008
persiapan pertunangan..
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 5:35 AM 0 comments
pose kembali menjelma..
bln ramadhan al mubarak kembali menjelma..rasa sekejap jer dah nk pose..aku plak dah x saba plak nak raya..tp rs cm dak kecik plak asyik pk raya ni..sbnrnya bkn p..aku just nka kutip duit ry jer..hahahahha..tapi papepun thn ni nak tak nka giliran aku plak kn ks duit raya kat dak2 ni..mana taknya start pose ni aku dah start kije kat dah..
alahamdulillah rezeki aku dapat kije kat situ...lehla meringankna beban parent aku nati..
ehm..xpela..pape pun aku mengucapkan 'selamat menyambut ramadhan yang mulia ni '.....
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
MeAninG oF tHe ColOR PurpLe
PuRPle eMboDIes tHE baLaNCe oF reD siMulAtiON ANd blUe caLM. THIs diCHotoMy CaN cAuSe uNrEsT or UneAsinEss UnleSs tHe unDertOne iS clEarLy deFineD at WhicH poInt The pUrpLe taKes oN thE chAraCtEriSticS of iTs UndErtOne. A seNse Of mYstic and rOyaL qUaliTieS, puRplE is A cOlOr oFten Well liKed By vEry cReaTive oR ecCenTriC tyPeS aNd iS tHe fAvoRitE cOlOr oF aDoleScenT GirlS.
HOw tHe cOloR puRplE eFFectS uS mEntAllY aNd pHysIcaLly
* UPlifTinG
* CaLmiNg tO mInD aNd neRveS
* OffeRs a sEnsE of sPirituAlitY
* EnCourAgeS creAtiVitY
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:39 AM 0 comments
BlaCk iS auThoRitaTivE aNd pOweRfuL, bEcaUse bLaCk cAn eVokE sTroNg EmoTioNs tOo mUcH cAn Be OveRwhElMing. A clAsSic cOloR fOr clOtHinG pOssIblY bEcaUse iT mAkEs tHe wEaRer aPPear ThiNneN And MoRe SopHisTicAteD. HoW The cOlOr bLaCk EffEctS uS pHysiCalLy AnD mEnTalLy * fEElinG iNconSpicUouS * A reStfUl eMptInesS * MystErioUs evOkIng a SenSe Of pOteNtiAl aNd poSsiBiliTy.
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:38 AM 0 comments
MEanInG oF tHe CoLor WhItE
WhIte pRojEctS pUriTy, CleAnLiNeSS, aNd nEutRalItY. DoCtOrs dOn wHiTe cOatS, bRiDeS tRadiTIonAlly wErE wHitE gOwNs And A wHitE pIcKeT fENce sURRouNds a sAfe aNd haPPy hOmE.
HoW tHe cOlOr whItE EffEctS uS mEnTaLLy aNd pHysIcaLLy
* AiDs mEnTaL clARiTy
* EncOurAgeS uS tO clEaR cLuTTer oR oBstAcLes
* evOKes pUriFicAtiOn oF tHoUghTs oR aCtIonS
* enAblEs fReSh bEgiNNinGS
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:38 AM 0 comments
MEaNinG oF tHe COlOr GReEn
GReeN OccUpiEs mOrE sPacE iN tHe spEctRuM vIsiBle tO tHe hUmaN eyE thAn mOst cOlOrS, aNd iS sEcoNd OnlY tO bLuE aS A faVorIte cOlOr. GReeN iS tHe pErVasIve cOlOr In The nAtUraL wOrlD, mAkiNg iT aN iDeAl BaCkDroP iN iNtEriOr DesIgN BeCaUse wE Are So UsEd tO sEeInG iT eVerYwhErE.
THe nAtUraL gReeNs, fRoM fOreSt tO liMe, Are sEEn aS trAnQuiL aNd rEfrEshInG, wItH a nAturAl bAlanCe Of cOOl anD wArM (blUe anD yEllOw) uNdeRtOneS. GrEEn iS cOnsIdeRed tHe cOlOr Of peAcE aNd EcolOgY.
HoWevEr, TheRe iS aN "iNsTitUtIonAl" sIde tO GrEEn, aSSocIaTed WitH IlLnEsS aNd gOvErNmeNt-iSsUeD gReeN caRdS, tHat cOnJurEs uP nEgaTivE emOtiOns, as dO tHe "SliMy" oR "bIlIous" gReeNs.
HoW tHe cOlOr grEEn EffEctS uS pHysIcaLLy aNd mEntAllY
* SOotThinNg
* RElaXinG mEntAllY aS wEll aS pHysIcaLLy
* HeLpS AlleViatE dEpreSSion, nErvoUsnEss aNd aNxiEtY
* OffErs A sEnsE oF rEnEwaL, sElF-cOntrOl And hArMonY
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:37 AM 0 comments
MEaNinG oF tHe COlOr BluE
BlUe iS The OverWheLmiNg "FaVorIte cOlOr." BLuE iS sEeN aS tRusTwoRthy, dEpEndAblE, aNd CoMmiTtEd.
THe cOlOr Of OcEaN aNd SkY, bLuE iS pErCeIveD aS a cOnStAnT In Our lIveS. As tHe cOLLectIvE cOlOr oF thE spIrIt, iT iNvoKes reSt AnD cAn caUSe The bOdY To pRoDucE ChEmiCalS thAt Are cAlmInG, hOwevEr, nOt aLl BluEs Are sErenE aNd seDatE.
HOw tHe cOlOr bLuE EfFeCtS uS pHySicAlLy AnD mEnTaLLy
* CAlmIng AnD sEdatE
* cOOlinG
* AiDs IntuItioN
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:36 AM 0 comments
YoUr fAVoriTe CoLoR: WhAt iT SaYs AbOUt YOu?
Lavender: This is often chosen by a person who lives "on a higher plane," who never notices anything sordid and who is always impeccably and beautifully dressed.
Purple: Purples are highly individual, fastidious, witty and sensitive, with a strong desire to be unique and different. Temperamental, expansive and artistic, a Purple person may become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood. If you chose Purple, you tend to be unconventional, tolerant and dignified, likely to achieve positions of authority.
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:31 AM 0 comments
CoLOr SyMboLiSm By CuLtURe
China: Good luck, celebration, summoning
Cherokees: Success, triumph
India: Purity
South Africa: Color of mourning
Russia: Bolsheviks and Communism
Eastern: Worn by brides
Western: Excitement, danger, love, passion, stop, Christmas (with green)
Ireland: Religious (Protestants)
Western: Halloween (with black), creativity, autumn
China: Nourishing
Egypt: Color of mourning
Japan: Courage
India: Merchants
Western: Hope, hazards, coward
China: Green hats indicate a man's wife is cheating on him, exorcism
India: Islam
Ireland: Symbol of the entire country
Western: Spring, new birth, go, Saint Patrick's Day, Christmas (with red)
Cherokees: Defeat, trouble
Iran: Color of heaven and spirituality
Western: Depression, sadness, conservative, corporate, "something blue" bridal tradition
Thailand: Color of mourning (widows)
Western: Royalty
Japan: White carnation symbolizes death
Eastern: Funerals
Western: Brides, angels, good guys, hospitals, doctors, peace (white dove)
Western: Funerals, death, Halloween (with orange), bad guys, rebellion
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:29 AM 0 comments
cOloR: mEaNinG, SyMbOliSm AnD PSyCholOgY
oUr rEAcTioN To ColOr iS aLMoSt iNstAntAnEouS aNd HaS a PrOfOuNd IMpACt On ThE ChOiCeS We mAkE eVeRyDay
"COloRs, LIke FEaTUrEs, fOLLow tHE ChaNGeS Of ThE EMoTIonS." --PABlo PiCaSso
"Of All GOd'S GiFts tO tHe SiGhTed Man, cOLoR iS HoLiESt, ThE MoSt DIviNe, THe most sOLemn." --JoHn Ruskin
"PAiNtinG is SomEthinG tHat TakeS pLaCe AmoNG tHe CoLorS, ANd oNe HAs tO LEaVe tHEm AloNe cOmpLeteLy, sO tHat THey cAn seTTle tHe mAtteR aMOnG TheMseLveS. ThEiR InTerCoursE: tHis is the whole of paInNting. Whoever meDDles, aRRangEs, iNjeCts his huMan deliberaTioN, hiS wit, his advoCacy, his IntellEctual agiLIty in any wAy, is AlrEadY dIsturbiNg aNd cLouding their activity." --MaRie Rilke RAIner
Posted by amyRaPuTEri at 12:26 AM 0 comments